Mistake # 1
Many businesspersons get stuck with asking “How?” questions first. Eg. I want to start/grow a/my business – show me how!
‘How’ questions focus the mind on operational urgencies, BEFORE the critical framework is in place. Precede How questions with Why, What, Who and When – and in that order! Let’s examine why?!!!
1 WHY – This generates your Mission Statement. A strong-enough ‘Why’, can deal with any ‘How’.
2. WHAT – This provides the strategic thrust through focused branding and positioning. What you say ‘Yes’ to and what you say ‘No’ to sharp-focuses the niche you can dominate with your Unique Value Proposition. This further determines how your value will be perceived by your Market and the margin/profitability you can enjoy. Remember,
* You cannot boil the ocean and
* Riches are in niches
3. WHO – Who takes on ACCOUNTABILITY; and provides the STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP; who converts it into OPERATIONAL MILESTONES, who takes on the MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY and who implements it OPERATIONALLY to the T. Each form of leadership mentioned above is different in style, focus, priorities, perspective and level. Synergistically, each builds on the previous creating a formidable growth spiral.
Choosing quality over quantity puts you on the road to excellence and reach levels that enables attraction and retention of quality clients, seeking quality services.
4. WHEN – Paper exercises have to be carefully calibrated to ground realities. Set the parameters and give space, freedom and support to the operational team to action specifics as they deem fit. Micro-managing adds to management costs and leads to higher attrition as well.
5. HOW – Now all operational issues are methodically addressed especially in terms of Marketing/Sales, Operations and all other required functions in line with the growth and spread of the enterprise.
Set up the required structures and again give the operational team the space, freedom and support to deal with the specifics of each situation. Greater the ability of the organization to handle decision-making at the lowest level possible, in an accountable manner; flatter the organization structure, lesser the number of people required behind the frontlines, and lesser the manpower and related costs.
The core of a flat, effective, admirable organization is Care and Trustworthiness. Take either of these away and you have structures built to monitor the accountability of the preceeding level
Asking the How question first, creates a business model that generates SURPLUS ACTIVITY and LESS MONEY – chasing the mirage of opportunities.
The Why and What questions have the potential to transform opportunistic businesspersons into STRATEGIC ENTREPRENEURS; working SMART and being WEALTHY and PROSPEROUS.
If you want to make history, remember to use this sequence: Why > What > Who > When > How