The 3 Game-changing Abilities
Why do entrepreneurs not grow to their full potential? Because they don’t have what it takes – and here are just 3 of them.
In my work as a PassionPreneur Coach, it is inevitable that my penetrative vision cuts through the clutter to find 1, 2 or sometimes even all 3 critical abilities missing in personal, business, networking and/or organisational contribution. And at great pain and loss to the parties concerned!
1. The first critical ability is WORKABILITY
It is important to not just ask, but carefully calibrate using the following questions: Is this effort/relationship/template/process/networking model WORKABLE? And guess what! We just don’t ask this question! Why? Because we work mindlessly. What is required is to mindfully probe:
• WHAT you take up
• WHY you take it up
• WITH whom you take it up
• For WHOM you take it up
• WHEN you take it up and
• HOW you take it up
A careful data-based and ongoing results-based assessment of the complex ground realities with the help of the simple above-mentioned questions will give you a wealth of insight into how to bring about workability. Remember workability is your Launch-pad. Without workability you just cannot launch yourself ahead. Rather you will keep making false starts or keep going round in circles; mistaking activity or busyness for progress!
2. The next critical ability is SUSTAINABILITY
Workability leads to sustainability as workability provides the a priori context towards ensuring sustainability. In this case, you take what is workable and fine-tune it as required to ensure sustainability.
Sometimes, you have a strange situation when an activity or venture is sustained (kept in existence) without it meeting the acid test of workability. In such cases, you have permanent, nagging problems which keep all-involved excitedly fire-fighting! And all this is mistakenly misconstrued as so much commitment! Any attempt to alter the prevailing perception is normally futile.
3. The 3rd critical ability is REPLICABILITY
When the 3 abilities come together; the game simply changes!
This is how the 3 abilities work and contribute to your success by design:
Workability ensures Qualitative Effectiveness. Sustainability ensures Meticulous Efficiency. Together, you get your customised business/organisational/networking TEMPLATE in place.
Replication of this Template ensures growth that is robust, sustainable and escalating! In other words, you achieve more, by moving less.
Need I say more?