2 identities in one body
There are 2 personalities inside of us.
Both seek full self-expression.
One is our best-self; the other is our worst self.
Be careful whom you feed and whom you starve.
With every choice you determine your destiny.
There are 2 personalities inside of us.
Both seek full self-expression.
One is our best-self; the other is our worst self.
Be careful whom you feed and whom you starve.
With every choice you determine your destiny.
Raymond D’Souza calls passion-fueled entrepreneurship as “passionpreneurship”. As a PassionPreneur Coach, he handholds passion-based entrepreneur-CEOs to start, turnaround and grow themselves and their businesses. The highly specialized professional services he offers are confidential, personalized and designed completely around the deepest pains and vulnerabilities of the Entrepreneur-CEO.