Human Being or Human Doing?
Over 90% of humanity operates from the Have>Do>Be paradigm. That means, I want something; I do something to get it. This is the simplest operating paradigm we have grown up with. Sadly, it may be our only operating paradigm.
The problem with wanting something and then doing something to get it; is that I am being manipulative. I end up, consciously or unconsciously, manipulating others. Consequently, I devalue myself in the eyes of others. I lose their respect and erode my human dignity. I lower myself in my own eyes (lowered self-image) and don’t feel good about myself (lowered self-worth).
Alas, I don’t know what else to DO. That’s the wrong question to ask oneself. The correct question is: Who do want to BE: a responsible or manipulative human being?
If I choose to be responsible, my actions will be responsible. And progressively, I empower myself, build my self-image and raise my self-worth. If I choose to be manipulative, my actions will be manipulative. I will progressively dis-empower myself; lowering my self-image and eroding my self-worth.
The answer my friend, is living in all (wo)men.