The Purpose of the 1-to-1 in Business Networking
The purpose of the 1-to-1 is to get to know the person in his/her context.
The 1-to-1 data sheet is a professional tool to focus and deepen the relationship. A number of details not touched upon in the conversation are noticed in the 1-to-1 data sheet; whilst a number of other points are reinforced or their context is altered.
If you want to be a Professional Net-worker and maximize your benefits from quality networking; it would be worth your while investing time, energy and effort to draw up your very own 1-to-1 data sheets. Do note, it will get perfected over time. And one of the key benefits is: it’ll help you to understand your business from a higher level and from the customer’s perspective!
Lastly, the 1-to-1 is not a one-off exercise. Repeated methodical connections help deepen the BONDS between the concerned persons. When you KNOW, LIKE and TRUST each other ENOUGH, REFERRALS BEGIN TO FLOW!
The 1-to-1 is the heart of Business Networking. When done METHODICALLY AND AUTHENTICALLY it helps you KNOW, LIKE, TRUST and ADMIRE the other person. This ensures the FOUNDATION of a SOLID, TRUST-WORTHY RELATIONSHIP. Once this relationship is kindled, the partners concerned will now do anything for the betterment of the other.
For best results: *Use this as A PROVEN SYSTEM; *not just as a technique!
By their fruits you shall know them – this is where you distinguish HUNTERS from FARMERS!