Most businesses associate business growth to growth in turnover. Mysteriously when the tide turns, they lose clients and contracts – and they have no clue on what went wrong.
At Passionpreneur, the diagnosis and directives are simple and straightforward:
1. To grow fast, go slow – Get your building blocks right and in place; because growth without structures is not sustainable.
2. Focus on growing profitability and profit; not turnover.
3. Increase ideal customers; not customers
It has been observed at PassionPreneur that coachees who diligently stick to the knitting, end up owning resilient, robust and profitable businesses.
Immeasurable growth precedes measurable growth.
Committed to your success and greatness!
Raymond D’Souza
PassionPreneur Transition Coach and Business Strategist
Personalised Handholding for Turning Passion into Prosperity