2 Types of Money Problems
There are only 2 types of money problems:
• Having too little
• Having too much
If you are having too little money; it could be because you have not got your own, personal act together.
If you have got your own personal act together, yet have little money; it could be because you are mismanaging your money instead of managing it.
If you have got your personal act together and you are managing your money well, but still have too little money; it could be because you have not assembled the right team around you. You may have surrounded yourself with people who are a cause for inevitable financial drain. Many people believe that relationships are more important than money; however they are unable to differentiate between draining relationships and uplifting relationships and mistakenly hold on to the former to their own detriment.
If you have got your personal act together, manage money well and have assembled the right team around you; but still have little money; then it indicates you lack a well-ordered system to deliver ongoing value to others. When this happens; you end up with endless activity and fruitless results.
If you have got your personal act together, manage your money well, nurtured the right team and have a well-ordered system in place; but still have little money; it could indicate you are serving the wrong people. Serving people who value what you offer versus giving people what you value creates a wealth of a difference. In the former case, people flock to you to partake of your value; in the latter, you helplessly plead with others to take the value you offer.
If you have got your personal act together, manage your money well, nurtured the right team, have a well-ordered business system in place, but are not servicing enough of the right kind of people; then it indicates you have not put in place the right network of business and social contacts. If this is lacking; you are unable to scale up. And your ability to scale up effectively determines your fame and fortune.
And that brings you to the other type of money problem – having too much money. And that particular problem is not discussed in public.
(Published in the November 2014 issue of Dimensionally Yours)