Begin with your strengths. Go with your strengths. Focus on your strengths.
Your strengths are what you have. Your strengths are an important component of your Unique Value Proposition.
When used and exercised, your strengths will build you up. You will feel good about yourself. When you feel good about what you do, you become a little bit positive inside. It is now easier to do more of such actions. And you feel better. And here begins invisibly, your inner shift in inertia.
So here is the action point:
* Make a careful, written inventory of your strengths.
* Then, review your S.M.A.R.T.E. Goal Statement and list what are the strengths required to make it happen.
* Check whether you require to add to the list of your strengths.
* Now, match the strengths in both lists, and highlight the strengths that occur on both.
* FEELINGLY READ and review your strengths daily along with your Project/Goal Statement
Don’t underestimate or question any of the steps. Just do it. Let the results speak for themselves.